Fourth Wing

Hello, everybody! I’m back, briefly! I now work two part-time jobs in addition to balancing scholarship applications, studying, and schoolwork, and though I long to write, the time to do so has simply not been available to me. I only have tonight to get this post up before I lose my next free time window …

The War That Saved My Life

When we think of war, it’s difficult to frame it in a positive light. What good could possibly come of mass death and destruction? If pressed, we may offer technological advances developed during wartime, or the heroic actions of someone involved in the conflict. Think even smaller. Perhaps a family was able to better themselves …

The Coming Storm

Recently, I had the opportunity to review a book for the Eden Mills Writers’ Festival. The Eden Mills Writers’ Festival “celebrates the power of words- whether written, spoken, or signed- to ignite our imaginations and reveal worlds and ideas beyond our experiences. ” While the festival’s programming has been moved online this year due to …

A Never Failing Spring In The Desert

Libraries are pretty great. You can borrow the latest books, magazines, and movies, attend lots of interesting programs and presentations, and have access to technology, among many other things. Most offer similar services, but vary quite differently in size, design, age, and location. This is a list of three cool lending libraries I’ve visited that …

Spooky Reads

Halloween is almost here! But as we get older, going trick-or-treating becomes less and less appealing than it used to be. Instead, we now turn to scary movies, haunted houses, and ghost stories. I do enjoy a good ghost story, but not all the time. Is it wrong to want to be able to sleep …

September 11th, 2001

As you are aware, today, September 11th, 2019, is a very somber day. It’s the 18th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that resulted in the deaths of thousands of First Responders, Military personnel, and civilians. These attacks spurred the United States into declaring war. Although I was not alive when this happened, I do have …

Little Blog On The Prairie.

There are some books that you instantly fall in love with the first time you read them. For me, one of those books was “Little Blog on the Prairie” by Cathleen Davitt Bell. Every summer, my family goes down to Nova Scotia to visit my Nanna. One of the things we always do when we …